Welcome to Change, Peace and Freedom!

About Anna

Anna Comerford was named Australian Psychic Of the year 2017 & Best Psychic Mentor 2023! Anna has 2 University degrees & lives in Canberra, Australia. Anna has written 2 books & has appeared on Psychic TV. She is a proud mother of a wonderful adult daughter & granddaughter. Anna is passionate about health, healing and making this life one of wisdom, growth and amazing possibilities.

Annas earlier life was challenging yet these blocks made her more determined to overcome the obstacles and to find more abundance & happiness in her life. Anna views learning as an ongoing endeavor.

Anna's many skills help to guide others along their path so that they can seek new ways of living, loving and being.

Anna has seen many people TRANSFORM their lives across the world.


Anna does face to face, Zoom & phone appointments.

STEP on board & ALLOW The LIFE You want to Begin!